Onboarding For National Deaf Therapists

 This page contains all of the information you need to familiarize yourself as you start working with National Deaf Therapy! 

Business Name & Address

Business Name:
National Deaf Therapy

Business Address:
13359 North Highway 183
Suite 406-685
Austin TX, 78750


Employer Identification Number:


Contact Information

NDT Phone Number:

Email: [email protected]


Please work through this list and save all related documents and information.

  • Sign up for a business license in your current state of resident (select sole proprietor) if you haven’t done so already. To receive your EIN (the Tax/EIN is federal and does not have to be done in each state that you are licensed in) ​Click here​ for an article on how to do this.
  • Obtain a National Provider Identifier NPI-1 (not NPI-2) number under the individual providers section. ​Click here.
  • Obtain a Professional Liability & Malpractice Insurance (You’ll need $1 million /$3 million aggregate. Ensure telemental health coverage. Be sure to list our business as an additional insured.) Provide us with your Professional Liability insurance facesheet.
  • Register and get a CAQH number (select all offered insurances except Medicare, Medicaid, or Medi-Cal insurances. This step takes some time to complete. you will need your malpractice insurance, resume, copy of your license, a W-9, and copy of your diploma. Click here.
  • Obtain a scanned copy of your state license(s).
  • Create a brief professional bio for your profile (a few sentences).
  • Obtain a professional looking headshot photo (similar aesthetics as the co-directors’ photos).
  • Create a visual bio. (Criteria: solid dark color for background, your shirt will also be solid and has a contrast color on, no sheet-like material for backdrop, and if using iPhone-film horizontally).
  • Gather your Bank account information for Direct Deposit (Account and Routing Numbers).
  • Gather your Educational History (Name of institutions graduated from and starting dates/graduation dates.

What's Next?

  • Receive a Google Email address associated with NDT and this will be emailed to your listed email address.
  • Receive an invitation into our Theranest Platform where you will connect with clients and schedule appointments.

Ready to get started? Here's what you can expect while working with National Deaf Therapy

What to expect?

  1. The team will connect you with your client.
  2. Set up an appointment in your zoom account and copy the invitation link.
  3. Set up an appointment in Theranest and paste the zoom link in there and in google calendar.
  4. Invite your client through google calendar for appointment reminder as well.
  5. Meet your client for your appointment on Zoom.
  6. The client will complete the intake forms in Theranest with you during your first intake. (refer to Therapist Handbook for Video Instructions on how-to)
  7. Do notes in Theranest after the session.

National Deaf Therapy's Welcome Packet

Welcome Packet